Sunday, March 23, 2008


Now there are many different places to go on vacation. I married a girl whose ideal vacation is some remote third world country. She likes the new people, the interesting (a.k.a. crappy) food and extra stamps on the old passport. Some people leave the hustle and bustle of the city to relax all alone on a secluded beach, while others leave their boring small town lives to experience life in the big cities. Those vacations sound all fine and dandy, but my perfect vacation is something a little more off the wall and I went on one of these vacations just this weekend. I did a favor for someone in my ward and as payment he gave me four tickets to the Salt Lake Blaze (the local Arena Football franchise).

I know that not many people out there have had the pleasant opportunity to attend one of these glorious sporting events. I know this because, like I said, I have been and there really aren't that many people making it out to cheer on the Blaze. So, for all of you who haven't been to an ALF game let me paint you a picture of my wonderful experience.

I walked towards the Energy Solutions Arena on Friday night with high expectations. I figured this would be the white trash mother ship. I was not disappointed. Before I even got inside the door the I watched the group of fat, long haired, denim jacket wearing buffoons yell "hey baby why don't you come over here" to the 45 year old fake-baked chicks that were walking just in front of us. Yes! let the vacation begin.

We found our seats in the lower bowl and I began to enjoy the experience. The first thing that impressed me was the number of people that were sporting their Blaze jerseys. I had no idea that there were that many people who gave a crap about the Salt Lake Blaze. People were not just there to watch old, washed up, and semi-talented football players try and live the dream, people actually cared what the outcome of the game was.

Everything was perfect. One group of middle aged guys, and maybe some girls (I couldn't tell for sure), had everything that I was hoping to see. Each one had painted faces, black and orange shirts and a plastic cup overflowing with beer. One man in particular was 400+ pounds and was wearing a boa, a cape, and a top hat with flames. It was awesome, the air was just saturated with an aura of blue collar excitement.

As I left that night, after a not so disappointing 3 point loss, I was overcome with the pungent smell of second hand smoke. It seems that a 2 1/2 hour game is almost too much to ask of a nicotine addicted football fan. I walked away from the ESA and back to my car being thankful for the vacation, it was everything I could have ever wanted. I look back being especially glad that it was only a vacation and not an important and everyday part in my life.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Just one more thing to neglect

Well friends, I have jumped on to one of the lamest most annoying bandwagons out there. I have decided that Suzanna and I need to start up our own blog. Now if you are looking for a gripping blog that leaves you waiting breathless for the next post you will be disappointed. If you are searching for answers or even intelligent responses to political and national issues, you're heading towards a dead end. This blog will only touch on the truly non-vital, insignificant and inconsequential aspects of life.

With that being said, let me give another warning. I am notorious for neglecting things that are important so other things like school and blogs get put way down on a very long and competitive list. But, I do promise [a man is only as good as his promises(draw your own conclusion)] that I will do my darndest to give all of you hungry readers a peak into my life now and again, whether you want it or not.