I'm sorry I have been away so long, but I'm back with fury and fire. This post is dedicated to all the bad (add your own
explisives, the more you add the badder these guys become). This list defiantly isn't all inclusive or all encompassing, but it is a list of five super bad mama (#%*@)
First on our list is Pete "Charlie Hustler" Rose. This guy was
tuff (not tough "
tuff". Pretty much this picture of Pete flying head first into third base speaks for itself. Now anyone who is familiar with sports knows that all star games are just a big joke. No one wants to be there, no one wants to get hurt and pretty much no one really plays. This might be true to everyone except for Rose. In the 1970 all-star game Rose. The game was tied in the 12
th inning and Pete was standing on second base. After a teammate singled to center the hustler rounded third and barreled towards home. The throw from center beat Rose, but he lowered his shoulder and took out the catch and scoring the winning run. This move was completely taboo and he got all sorts of flack from it, but that is how he played. He never played soft and he never gave up. Rose broke and still holds many
MLB records, but one thing that he is best known for is his permanent ban from the game.

Alright no I know people are saying to themselves, wrestling isn't a sport. Well here, in this blog, I make the rules and wrestling was a huge part of my childhood and Hulk was the man, I am deep down in my heart a true yellow and red
Hulkamaniac. The Hulk had been in the limelight for the past twenty five years as wrestling most known icon. Now I know that wrestling isn't really a "sport" and sure his body isn't "natural", but you have to be a real man to be able to take the beating three times a week for almost three decades. If you don't think Hulk is one bad dude then here is an assignment for you. Go rummage though the bottom of one of your dresser draws and pick out a nasty old shirt. Then go outside and let out your best manly primal yell and use your strength to rip that shirt down the middle (you may need to cut the collar to get things started). If after doing that you don't feel bad to the bone then you better take up knitting, cooking or some other non-manly trade.

Third on this list is Robert Craig, a.k.a
EVEL. Let me just say I there is no other person that I would be more afraid to meet in a dark ally. This is the sort of guy that would snap off your arms just for giving him a sideways look. He muttered "God take care of me. Here I come" right before every jump. I'm confident that he went into every jump with no hopes of living through the experience. It has been said that on one of his jumps the dude broke a record 35 bones in his body and needed some 15 surgeries to paste him back together. He even tried to strap himself to a rocket and jump across the snake river canyon. If anyone of you out there was 1/100 the man
evel was then you would be the baddest scariest person I know.